
Playing Cards Are An Epitome of Calendar

Many people like playing cards, but not many of them know the meaning of the 54 cards. Playing cards are the epitome of the calendar. Among the 54 cards, 52 are normal ones representing 52 weeks of the year; having two subsidiary cards. The Jack stands for the sun, while the Queen symbolizes the moon. The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter are indicated by spade, heart, club, and diamond respectively. The heart and diamond cards represent daytime, while the spade and club represent nighttime. Each colour of the Playing Cuds has just 13 cards, which coincide with 13 weeks in each season. Each season has 91 days. The dots of the four different cads plus one dot on the Queen make a total of 365. However, when the dot of the King is included, the total would be the exact number of the days of a leap year There are 12 cards for J. Q. K. in the Playing Cards, which indicate the12 months of the year. They also indicate the 123 constellations that the sun passes by each year. The four colours have implied meanings; the spade is the symbol of the olive leaf, standing for peace; the heart for wisdom; the club for happiness; and the diamond for wealth. These four colours are the beautiful wishes for people. Wedding Finger The fourth finger of the left hand, microbus says the thumb is too busy to be set apart, the forefinger and little finger are only half protected, the middle finger is called mediums, and is too opprobrious for the purpose of honour, so the only finger left is the pronubus. Lulus Gelhus tells us that Appianus asserts in his Egyptian books that a very delicate nerve runs from the fourth finger of the left hand to the heart, on which account this finger is used for the marriage ring. The finger on which the ring (the wedding-ring) is to be worn is the fourth finger of the left hand,next unto learned…in ripping up and anatomising men's bodies, there is a vein of blood, called Venn amorist which passes from that finger to the heart. In the Roman Catholic Church, the thumb and next two fingers represent the trinity; thus the bridegroom says, “In the name of the Father, ” and touches the thumb; in the name of the Son, “and touches the index finger; and” in the name of the Holly Ghost, " and he touches the long or third finger; with the word “Amen” he then puts it on the fourth finger and leaves it there. In some countries the wedding ring is worn on the right hand; this was the custom generally in England until the end of the 16th century, and among Roman Catholics until much later. In the Hereford, York, and Salisbury missals, the ring is directed to be put first on the thumb, then on the index finger, then on the long finger, and lastly on the ring-finger.

